Stone and Bear

Stone and Bear, led by Damien Montserrat, is a photography venture rooted in Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

Damien's journey with photography stretches back what seems like eons. For as far back as memory serves, he's been inseparable from his camera or GoPro, capturing moments with fervor. Though he's taken intermittent breaks, he always felt a sense of absence during those times, inevitably returning to the lens. This was the impetus behind Stone & Bear—a means for Damien to justify his wanderlust, connect with diverse individuals, and share his photographic vision with the world.

While Damien's primary focus lies in the coastal landscapes of Newcastle, he also dabbles in portraits and commercial projects. His palette mirrors nature's own, often bathed in the soft hues of dawn and dusk. Yet, he's equally drawn to crafting striking black and white compositions, particularly capturing the raw power of post-storm waves.