Belinda Dorey

Originally from Newcastle and raised in Lake Macquarie, Belinda returned to Newcastle in 2011 after living on Kangaroo Island since the late 80s. While art has always been her passion, it took a backseat due to parenting and work commitments until late 2021 when Belinda decided to pursue it full-time.

Despite lacking formal training, Belinda has always found solace in creating art. Initially dissuaded by her parents from pursuing art education, she became a sign writer after completing an apprenticeship. Wanderlust led Belinda to Kangaroo Island, where she fell in love with its natural beauty, inspiring her artistic journey.

Introduced to pastels by a local artist, Belinda immersed herself in capturing the island's essence on paper, garnering local recognition and awards. Moving back to Newcastle allowed Belinda to explore art workshops and transition into oil painting, a natural progression from her sign-writing background.

Belinda finds joy in painting outdoors, learning from nature's intricate details and capturing its essence on canvas. Through her art, she aims to foster connection and appreciation for our shared world.

As Eileen Caddy said, "Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually." Though unexpected, this has become Belindas reality, and she wish you the best on your journey, whatever it may be.